First Visit
If this is your first appointment with us, here are some guidelines to remember:
- All patients younger than 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Please bring your referral slip.
- Alert our office if you have any current serious medical condition. These conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatic fever, or having artificial joints and heart valves.
- Bring a list of medications you are currently taking, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications.
- If your physician or your dentist has taken your X-rays, please inform them to forward the images to our office. You can also bring them personally to our office during your first visit. They may help us perform a proper diagnosis. If these are in digital radiograph form, they may be emailed to us instead.
- If you have dental insurance, please remember to bring your current insurance card. If you have dental insurance but not the card, simply prepare the information regarding the subscriber number, group number, and phone number. The info will help cut down on unnecessary delays, and enable us to assist you in the processing of your insurance claim.
On your first visit we will take a thorough look at your oral health, and we may take X-rays as well. Once we have made the proper diagnosis of any dental condition, we can then discuss your treatment options.
Your treatment may well be performed on the same day of your first visit. However, if your treatment requires for a root canal, we’ll need to schedule a separate appointment for it.
If you are already in extreme pain, we will do our best to see you on the same day in order to provide emergency treatment to relieve the pain. We can then schedule you for a new appointment for your follow-up treatments.
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